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Economic Adjustment Increase  in Child Support

As the economy continues to show little sign of quick readjustment, many hard-working Americans across the country are losing their jobs and finding once-certain income dry up. This is especially worrisome for the millions of individuals across the country who pay child support payments, and are worried about their ability to continue providing for their children.

If you’re worried about being able to make your monthly support payments, contact the San Marcos divorce lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, by calling (760) 757-6854 today

Economic Woes and Child Support

While the whole country is suffering from the sluggish economy, men are actually facing a bleaker economic outlook than are women. The unemployment rate for men is at 9.8%, while women have a 7.5% unemployment rate. Additionally, the new jobs being created are in fields that have traditionally favored women. According to the New York Times, it would not be surprising for women to surpass men in the workforce within the next few years. As more and more men are losing their jobs and finding new ones hard to come by, child and alimony support payments are becoming harder to make.

According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 39% of their members across the US are reporting an increase in the number of people requesting modifications to their child support agreements. Additionally, the same survey found that 42% of the members polled said there was an increase in alimony agreements being restructured.

Speak with a San Marcos Divorce Lawyer

If you or a loved one is involved in family law litigation or a divorce case with child support, custody, or visitation issues, and need legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact the Fischer & Van Thiel Family Law Firm of San Marcos at (760) 757-6854 today to get solid legal advice and a professional divorce lawyer consultation.