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Domestic Violence Attorneys of San Marcos

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Compassionate Domestic Abuse Lawyers Dedicated to Your Family’s Best Legal Interests in the Local San Marcos Area.

For many years, Southern California has been able to count on Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP for all their Domestic Violence Abuse Attorney Legal Services. In addition to our San Marcos Law Firm’s Officeour Legal Services Law Practice Team Represents many Service Area Clients throughout the local San Diego CountyCalifornia region.

Domestic Violence Attorneys with Years of Experience

Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP provides over 57 Years of Combined Family Law Counsel Experience dedicated to Your Family’s Legal Concerns throughout the Legal Process.

Domestic violence is an extremely traumatic and difficult experience, but unfortunately, victims often feel as if it is impossible to escape.

Thus, victims of domestic abuse need skilled legal representatives on their sides to defend their rights and interests and to take action to bring their abusers to justice.

Lawyers can also help protect domestic abuse victims by helping them obtain a legal separation from their abusers in the form of divorce or restraining orders.

No matter your abuser’s relationship to you, abuse and violence within the home is unacceptable and should be met with immediate legal action.

Common Types of Domestic Violence

For those living in troubled relationships, domestic violence may be an unfortunate and frightening reality.

Domestic violence is the act of exercising control over a spouse/partner or children through violent, abusive and threatening means.

Victims of domestic violence should seek help and support from friends, family members, and social services organizations.

Domestic violence can leave more than physical scars on the victim; psychological and emotional damage is also common in domestic abuse cases.

It is important to recognize the forms domestic abuse can take so you can better understand if you or a loved one is in the midst of a troubled relationship.

Examples of Domestic Abuse include:

Physically Assault: punching, shoving, hitting, etc.
Spousal Abuse / Child Abuse
Sexual Assault / Spouse Rape
Isolation from their family and friends
Emotional / Verbal Assult: Insulting, putting down, or called degrading names
Withholding finances from a spouse
Those in abusive relationships live in constant danger to their health and well-being. It can be intimidating and frightening to leave the abusive individual, but it is typically your only option to protect yourself.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence, it is important to find a trusted source of help and support who can help you remove yourself from the violent situation and make sure the violence does not continue.

Recognizing the Signs of Abuse

It’s important that everyone be familiar with the tell-tale signs of abuse in order to know when you or someone close to you has been a victim.

Common Signs Your Partner/Spouse is Abusing You:

He or she frequently hits you or threatens to hit you.
He or she shows signs of jealousy towards the other relationships in your life.
He or she criticizes you constantly, often for small things.
He or she has a violent temper and threatens you.
Forced you to have sex.
He or she purposely humiliates you in front of other people.
He or she does not treat your property with respect.
Limiting one partner’s access to money, the phone, or the car
The above list outlines some of the underlying behaviors that many abusers share but it is in no way an exhaustive list.

If You’re Being Abused Contact Us for Legal Options

Leaving an abusive relationship can be difficult on every level: emotionally, physically, and financially.

If you are dependent on your abuser for money or healthcare, it is especially difficult. However, it is not hopeless.

An experienced San Marcos Family Attorney can offer you the legal advice you need to get into a safe situation and we are always prepared to assist with a variety of legal issues, including:

Pressing criminal charges against abusers
Establishing separate financial accounts
Filing restraining orders
Protecting children from abusive partners
Gaining access to helpful resources

If you believe that you are in an abusive relationship, it’s important to know that you do not have to remain in that relationship.

Contacting a reliable Family Law Attorney from Fischer & Van Thiel at (760) 757-6854 can be the first step to recovering from an abusive situation.

Emotional Abuse

Domestic abuse is unfortunately very common in America. Whether domestic abuse is physical violence, sexual assault, or emotional abuse, they take their toll on people and families.

Families can only survive when there is trust between all the members, and in emotional abuse cases, that trust does not exist.

Perpetrators of emotional abuse usually use certain tactics to run down their family member or spouse and make them feel bad about themselves to impose control over them. 

Below is an short list of various forms of Methods of inflicting Emotional Abuse on Children, Family Members, Domestic Partners, Spouses, Non-Relational Individuals.

Some of the types of such abuse are obvious, yet others are not usually associated with domestic abuse until situations and circumstances are questioned and investigated. 


It is common for abusers to threaten and intimidate their victims so test their power over them. They will also blame the person for any mistakes that are made, making them feel extremely guilty and worn.


Degrading their victim only gives the abuser more power over that person. Taking away someone’s self-confidence and self-respect can put them in a vulnerable position and allow them to be easily manipulated.


Most abusers choose to first isolate their victims so that they have no one to turn to. With no friends and little input from other people, the victim’s view of the world and themselves can be greatly skewed.

They may lose confidence in their ability to think objectively about their situation and feel that they are making everything up.

Domestic Assault & Battery

It is an unfortunate fact that many couples do not always get along, and sometimes marital arguments can take a turn for the worse. When an argument gets too far out of hand, domestic assault and/or battery can unfortunately result.

The difference between assault and battery is small, but they are different. Assault is an attempt or threat of physical violence against another person, whereas the battery is physically striking or hitting another.

Despite the differences between assault and battery, neither has a place in a marriage.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of domestic assault and battery, call the caring and experienced San Marcos Domestic Assault Lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, at (760) 757-6854.

We can help you fight for the legal protection that you need at this difficult time.

Consequences of Domestic Assault and Battery

Serving time in prison or jail
Hefty fines
A permanent mark on your record
Required anger management classes
Being served a restraining order
Driver’s license revocation
We understand that if you or someone you love is the victim of domestic abuse, it is easy to feel defenseless and confused about who you can trust. We are here to help.

Domestic Child Abuse

Children are some of the most defenseless members of our society, making the abuse of a child one of the most contemptible acts a person can commit.

In some instances, when a child is abused by a parent or other loved one, he or she may not report the abuse because it is at the hands of someone they love and trust.

This can allow abuse to continue for long periods of time.

If your spouse is abusing your child, or if you suspect that abuse is occurring, it is important that you take action.

As soon as it is safe for you to do so, contact the Child Abuse Attorneys of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, at (760) 757-6854 for the dedicated and compassionate help you need at this time.

Types of Child Abuse

Physical Abuse – physically harming a child through slapping, punching, shoving, pulling, etc.
Emotional / Psychological Abuse – harming a child’s developing cognition & psychological well-being
Sexual Abuse – involving a child in a sexual act
Neglect – failing to provide adequate resources for a child

There is no excuse for child abuse in any form, so if you believe that your spouse or a loved one is causing your child harm, it is important to seek help.

Types of Spousal Abuse

Although family violence is often portrayed as a man abusing his wife, abusive dynamics can actually exist in any relationship where one person is controlling another or taking advantage of his or her position of power over another.

Constant abuse is a terrible burden for a person, and especially for a child, to live with.

If your spouse is physically, emotionally, or verbally abusing you and your children, it is important for all of you to find a safe place to live.

Whether the abuse is taking place between parents and children, senior citizens, and their caretakers, or within same-sex relationships, it is always inexcusable.

There are three broad categories of abuse that one might be forced to endure. Each has its own particularly troubling effects and can bear on aspects of a victim’s life long after the abuse has stopped.

Primary Forms of Spousal Abuse Are:

Physical Abuse – physically striking, punching, pushing, or hitting someone, resulting in bodily injury
Psychological or Emotional Abuse – degrading the victim through the use of belittling and insulting comments or through a pattern of behaviors and actions intended to diminish
Sexual Abuse – any forced and unwanted sexual activity imposed upon one person by another, including degrading sexual comments are also considered sexual abuse.

However, San Marcos Domestic Violence & Abuse Attorneys Fischer & Van Thiel understands how difficult it can be to extract oneself from such a complex and emotional situation.

Our firm is dedicated to advising victims of abuse of their legal options and protecting their legal rights.

How We Can Help Your Stop Your Abuse

Our experienced Family Law attorneys are prepared to help you with a variety of legal matters related to domestic violence, including:

Filing for a restraining order
Criminal defense
Divorce hearings
Protecting children in custody disputes
Protecting assets in a divorce

At the same time, our experienced San Marcos Domestic Abuse Lawyers also understand that false accusations of abuse can and have been used to sway a judge’s decisions in divorce hearings, or even as a kind of bizarre revenge.

A person who is facing false allegations of spousal or child abuse needs an educated and thoroughly committed defense attorney; his or her reputation, family life, and career are all at stake.

What is Verbal Abuse?

When people think of an abusive marriage, physical abuse is usually what comes to mind first. This is likely because, for victims of verbal abuse, it is sometimes difficult to define exactly what is happening.

Unlike physical abuse, where the evidence is outward and easy to identify, verbal abuse is internally damaging.

The use of harsh words to control and harm another person does constitute abuse and can be very harmful to a person’s self-esteem and outlook on life.

Types of Verbal Abuse

The signs of verbal abuse are less obvious than physical abuse, but they can be extremely harmful.

Here are some examples of what typically constitutes a verbally abusive relationship:

Public Humiliation – Purposely Embarrising or Humiliating you in public to degrade you
Negative Name-Calling – They use names that are mean-spirited and intended to hurt
Shaming Words – Constantly criticizes your actions, big or small with sarcasm, mocking, or shame
Yelling/Screaming – Your spouse blows up at any perceived mistake
Threats – made “jokingly” or seriously
Dismissing Your Feelings – They avoid discussing any of your problems or concerns
Playing on Your Emotions – Using emotionally charged words and arguments to control your behavior

If you believe that you are in an abusive relationship, it’s important to know that you do not have to remain in that relationship.

What is Domestic Sexual Assault?

Spousal Rape, also known as Marital Rape, is a form of Domestic Violence in which one partner forces the other partner to engage in sexual acts that are non-consensual.

Because Spousal Rape is a form of both Rape and Domestic Violence, a person accused of spousal rape is subject to penalties for both crimes.

Victims of Spousal Rape are often left with much long-term physical and emotional damage.

If your or a loved one is the victim of Spousal Rape, it is critical to consult with a caring, understanding, and nonjudgmental attorney who can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you need.

In addition to criminal charges, you may be able to pursue action through the civil justice system.

Marital Rape is Still Rape

As mentioned above, a Marriage does not grant either spouse the right to force or attempt to force the other spouse into sexual intercourse whenever it is desired.

Unfortunately, many people remain unaware that this is illegal for a spouse to coerce sexual acts.

If your spouse engaged in sexual activities that weren’t consensual with the intent to cause sexual arousal, sexual abuse, or sexual gratification, then you may have grounds to file a marital rape case and to seek protection from your spouse.

The Divorce Lawyers in San Marcos at the Fischer & Van Thiel Family Law Firm understand the difficulties that can arise when dealing with the complexities surrounding Domestic Violence Law, from the sensitive situations, unique circumstances, and ensuring all the paperwork is completed promptly, filed successfully, and other related legal matters that need to be addressed.

This is why we have dedicated our Law Firm’s Legal Services Team to providing experienced, professional, and caring Domestic Violence Law Representation to each client under our advisement.

What If You Have Been Accused of Abuse

Our experienced San Marcos Domestic Abuse Lawyers understand that false accusations of abuse can and have been used to sway a judge’s decisions in divorce hearings, or even as a kind of bizarre revenge.

A person who is facing false allegations of spousal or child abuse needs an educated and thoroughly committed defense attorney; his or her reputation, family life, and career are all at stake.

The consequences of being falsely accused of abusive behavior can be severe. If convicted, you can face fines, legal restrictions on your activities, and even jail time.

Even if you are not convicted, your personal and professional reputation can be damaged. An experienced San Marcos domestic violence defense attorney can help you protect your rights.

We use our expansive understanding of the Local Court’s Legal Procedures and California State Laws to tailor a plan specific Legal Strategy to the best interest of your family’s unique needs.

Call us at (760) 757-6854 to schedule a complimentary case evaluation with our team.

Family Law Legal Cases We Routinely Handle Involving:

Divorce Law: Including Annulments, Contested, and Uncontested Divorces
Military Divorce Attorney: Experienced with uniques situations of Military Relationships
Mediation: Mediation encourages divorcing spouses to cooperate and avoid trial costs
Child Custody: Including Visitation, Negotiations, Modifications & Enforcement Actions
Child Support: Including Monitary Negotiations, Modifications & Enforcement Actions
Legal Guardianship: Application Preparation, Fitness Assessment, Legal Representation
Adoption: Including Step-Parent, Agency, Private, and International Adoptions
Prenuptial Agreement: We can help you draft and enforce favorable agreements
Paternity: Actions for those seeking custody rights and support payments
Legal Separation Agreement: Traditional and Same-Sex Marriages
Spousal Support (Alimony): Agreements for Spousal Support or Maintenance
Domestic Violence: Including representation for Abuse and those Accused of Abuse
Civil Harassment: We can help you seek a Civil Restraining & Enforcement Orders
Juvenile Court: Including guardianship, juvenile delinquency, and dependency matters
Marital Property Division: Representation as you divide property during divorce
Estate Planning: Including wills and probate

Providing Up-To-Date Legal Advice on Domestic Violence Law

Our firm focuses exclusively on matters that relate to Domestic Violence Family law. Concentrating on this practice area allows us to remain current on California’s Domestic Abuse Legal Codes. As a result, we are able to provide cutting-edge legal advice for a range of unique personal legal concerns.

Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP has the Best Divorce & Family Law Attorneys in the Local San Marcos Area who only provide Best Practice Domestic Violence Law Services with affordable fees.

Our “Family First” Focused Lawyers provide proactive legal solutions that safeguard your current legal situation helping ensure we mitigate future legal issues proactively for you.

We believe it is always best to try to mediate conflicts to help you to avoid courtroom litigation and the fees that accompany this form of dispute resolution, if possible.

Fischer & Van Thiel, PC Family Law Firm Customer Reviews:

Child Custody Legal Services Review

Five star testimonial review rating

"Thank you, Michael Fischer, you really are great at what you do."

"Going through a very stressful time Michael Fischer really helped me through it all. He helped me fight my case and took a lot of weight off my shoulders in order to get full custody of my son. He reported back to me all the updates with my case and ended up winning my case!

- Former Client, San Marcos California

Child Custody Legal Services

Five star testimonial review rating

"Thanks, Thomas!"

"He was there every step of the way. Helped make this custody situation a little more bearable. Thank you, Tom and Linda."- Maria, San Marcos, CA

Divorce Legal Services

Five star testimonial review rating

"They're very dependable, knowledgeable, and experienced."

"The Fischer & Van Thiel Firm is a great firm. They're very dependable, knowledgeable, and experienced. I definitely recommend them."

- Elizabeth G., San Marcos, CA

Family Law Legal Services

Five star testimonial review rating

"This office is really good, thanks for everything."

- Patti A., San Marcos, CA

Divorce & Ongoing Family Law Services

Five star testimonial review rating

"Friendly and knowledgeable — I highly recommend Fischer & Van Thiel, PC!"

- Allison O., San Marcos, CA

Family Law Legal Services

Five star testimonial review rating

"Fischer & Van Thiel is a very knowledgeable office and great to work with!"

- Chelsey G., San Marcos, CA

Why Choose Fischer & Van Thiel, PC

Experienced Family Lawyers Who Care

  • Over 57 Years of Combined Legal Practice Experience

  • Available 24/7 By Appointment, Phone & Video Consult

  • Complimentary 30 Minute Family Law Consultations

  • Committed to Protecting Your Rights & Privacy

  • Always Serving You & Your Children’s Best Interests

  • Affordable & Friendly Family Law Divorce Lawyers

Contact Us Today! or Call Us at (760) 722-7669

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100 E San Marcos Blvd Ste. 400
San Marcos, CA 92069
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Business Hours:

Mon-Fri:   8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun:   Closed