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Parental Rights Are Important to Get Settled

As a parent, it is understandable to want to be involved in your child’s life as much as possible. This can include spending time with your child and having the right to make decisions that will affect his or her life. Unfortunately, a parent’s rights can be challenged in some instances, threatening their right to one or more of the following:

  • Child custody
  • Visitation
  • Consenting to medical treatment for the child
  • Have property inherited by the child and vice versa
  • Approving certain decisions, such as military enlistment

These rights are most often extended to biological parents. Foster parents or legal guardians may also be afforded parental rights in certain circumstances. Obligations can also be included, such as:

  • Financial support
  • Care and/or supervision
  • Legal liabilities for the child’s actions
  • Providing a safe living environment

If your parental rights are being threatened, or if you feel that you are being held responsible for things that should not be your responsibility, there are legal options available to you. Any legal disputes regarding parental rights and obligations should immediately be handled by a skilled litigator.

Speak with a San Marcos Divorce Lawyer

If you or a loved one is involved in family law litigation or a divorce case with child support, custody, or visitation issues, and need legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact the Fischer & Van Thiel Family Law Firm of San Marcos at (760) 757-6854 today to get solid legal advice and a professional divorce lawyer consultation.

Helpful Topics

The articles below may help in understanding how parental rights are handled in family law.

  • Visitation Modifications