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Divorce and Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse is the leading drug problem in the United States. In fact, over 13 percent of adults will experience some form of alcohol abuse or alcoholism at some point in their lives. These sobering statistics do not bode well for married couples. If you are considering a divorce from an alcohol abuser, you are not alone. When alcohol problems are involved in a marriage, divorce rates increase by a factor of four as spouses make the difficult decision to end dysfunctional marriages stemming from one member’s alcohol dependency.

Side Effects of Alcoholism

Alcohol abuse occurs when a person has a serious problem refraining from the consumption of alcohol, causing them to neglect family, work, or school obligations. Alcohol dependency, or alcoholism, occurs when an alcohol abuser becomes dependent on alcohol to function. Signs of alcoholism include:

  • Withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, including anxiety, sweating, increased pulse, nausea, body tremors, insomnia, vomiting, and seizures
  • Spending the majority of each day consuming alcohol or recovering from excessive alcohol consumption
  • Losing control of the ability to stop or limit the consumption of alcohol
  • Changes in tolerance levels, requiring more alcohol to achieve the same effect
  • Giving up everyday social, family, recreational, and occupational activities
  • Refusing to seek help for the problem or even admit that a problem exists

The decision to divorce a spouse with a severe alcohol problem is a difficult, life-changing decision. Some spouses find that over time, alcohol has caused their loved one to change into a completely different person than who they married. They live unhappily, suffering because of their spouse’s addiction. If you have exhausted all other options, a separation or divorce might be the next step to getting your life back.

Contact Us

If you are considering a divorce from a spouse who abuses or is dependent on alcohol, contact the San Marcos divorce lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP. We understand the highly emotional nature of your situation and will handle your case with the utmost level of professionalism and dedication. Contact our offices today at (760) 757-6854.