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Divorce and Children with Special Needs

Divorce can be a difficult time in a child’s life because it can be difficult for them to understand and it signifies a life-altering change in their lives. This is particularly true for children who have special needs, and divorce can be especially difficult for their parents.

Couples who have a child with special needs probably spent much of their marriage caring for and worrying about their child, and this concern will continue even after the marriage ends.

If you’re the parent of a child with special needs and you’re worried about how your divorce will affect him or her, contact the San Marcos Divorce Lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP by calling (760) 757-6854.

Coping with the Change

If you’re considering a divorce and you have a child who requires special care, you’re probably concerned about how he or she will receive that care after you and your spouse split. The following tips can help you make it through the transition and beyond:

  • It’s important that your child gets the care he or she needs. While this may be a painful decision to make, you need to decide which parent will be better able to provide that care.
  • Work to create a safety net of friends and family. Odds are that you won’t be able to do it all alone, and the people close to you are your source for help, inspiration, and balance. Don’t be afraid to ask favors.
  • As with almost any divorce, you should make sure that the child continues to have a good relationship with the non-custodial parent. Except in cases of abuse or addiction, it’s better for a child to have both parents.
  • Make sure the child support payments are sufficient to cover the needs of your child. If you are the one paying the support payments, it’s important to realize the responsibility you have to the child.

Speak with a San Marcos Divorce Lawyer

If you or a loved one is involved in family law litigation or a divorce case with child support, custody, or visitation issues, and need legal representation, don’t hesitate to contact the Fischer & Van Thiel Family Law Firm of San Marcos at (760) 757-6854 today to get solid legal advice and a professional divorce lawyer consultation.