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Dealing with Marital Problems

Divorce is often an extremely painful process. It can be especially painful if you still love your spouse and feel that there might be something worth saving there, something to fight for. At the very least, you may have doubts about whether or not the permanency of divorce is the right answer to your marital problems.

There are a lot of options open to you as you consider your future together. An experienced and caring divorce attorney may be able to help you explore some divorce alternatives while still making sure that you are legally protected and supported if a divorce does eventually take place. Some helpful suggestions that a San Diego divorce attorney may recommend include:

  • Marriage Counseling. In marriage counseling, you hire a qualified third party to help you and your spouse work through the root problems in your marriage that manifest themselves in arguments and anger. Marriage counseling may not provide quick results, but it can help you put your marriage back on the right track.
  • Trial Separation. In a trial separation, you and your spouse experience living apart from one another. While a trial separation may lead to a divorce, it can also make you realize what you stand to lose by filing for a divorce.
  • Talking it out. Sometimes the problems stem from a failure to communicate as a couple. While it usually takes more than just a concerted effort to keep a marriage together, sometimes it’s all a couple needs to realize and respond to the problems in their relationship.

Contact Us

While these alternatives can be helpful in some situations, they will not work every time for every couple. If you are considering getting a divorce, you need caring and experienced representation. For the assistance you need, contact the divorce lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP by calling (760) 757-6854.