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Dating after Divorce

Trying to find love after divorce can be a daunting task for anyone. The first rung to this process is figuring out whether or not you are ready for a new relationship. Divorce can weigh heavily on a person’s ability to trust and to believe in a relationship, however, with renewed dating efforts and the meeting of new people, this belief can be regained.

The next step is to change your attitude. Your divorce may be on your mind, but you need to start moving on. Put thoughts of your divorce away and think about the future. After you make the initial commitment to start dating use these tips to get on the right foot:

Leave the Baggage at Home

Yes, you may have just been through a painful divorce, but you should not use your Date as a therapist and scare them away. Everyone has a past full of relationships, but while you are just getting yourself out there, keep a positive attitude, and look to the future. This type of position gives a person an air of confidence that most people are attracted to.

Think about your Date

If you are not ready to talk about yourself as much, try asking your date questions about themselves, and remember how it feels like to get to know someone new. It is good to start dating casually so you can practice for when you are serious about entering into a committed, long term relationship.

Never Pretend

If you act like someone else, you are going to come off as fake. Try to be true to yourself and you will be much more satisfied in dating.

Consult a San Marcos Divorce Attorney

Life after divorce can be very difficult, especially trying to move on from divorce. For more information on divorce, contact a San Marcos divorce lawyer of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP. Call us at (760) 757-6854.