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Child Support Agreements Modifications

After a child support case has come to a settlement it is still possible to adjust the settlement over time. Many people experience tremendous changes in their lives that require a change in child custody.

The San Diego divorce attorneys of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP understand that your life is constantly changing. Contact us today at (760) 757-6854 if you are interested in making modifications to your child support agreement.

Applying for Child Support Modifications

There are many different reasons to ask for changes in child support agreements. These may include:

  • Change in income
  • Child’s health
  • The mental health of a parent
  • Physical health of a parent
  • Failure to comply with the Support Agreement
  • Child abuse

In the event that one of these circumstances occurs, it is reasonable for you to ask for changes. Coming to an agreement on child support after divorce can be a difficult and long process. Making changes to this agreement can be equally trying. Hiring a child custody lawyer is the first step that can lead to positive changes in the future.

At Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, we know that you have only the best intentions for your child at heart and we know that in your choice to make modifications, something is not working in your current agreement.

Contact Us

Child custody cases can be drawn out and frustrating. For help in your case and to ease some of your frustration and confusion, contact the San Marcos divorce attorneys of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP at (760) 757-6854.