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4 Misconceptions Regarding Paternity Tests

Requesting a paternity test can put the parties involved in an awkward situation. However, to help establish responsibility and secure the child’s financial future, it is often important to establish a child’s biological father. However, establishing parentage is not free of misconceptions.

A Paternity Test Can Only Be Performed Following The Birth Of The Child

This is perhaps the most popular misconception regarding these tests. Advancements in medicine and DNA technology have allowed couples to request such tests prior to the birth of the child through prenatal paternity tests. The DNA samples of both parents can be collected through buccal swabs (collection of cells within the mouth). The cells will then be compared with DNA obtained through a process called chorionic villi sampling (CVS) which collects cells from the placenta. This process can only be performed during the tenth and thirteenth weeks of the pregnancy. Amniocentesis is another process of obtaining the child’s DNA; however, it is done through collecting amniotic fluid. This process can be done between the fourteenth and twenty-fourth weeks of pregnancy.

Paternity Tests Can Only Be Conducted With Blood Samples

As mentioned before, DNA tests can be done through the collection of cells located within the mouth. If a prenatal paternity test is being performed, then cells collected through amniotic fluid is also an option. However, depending on how far along into the pregnancy the mother is, some testing methods may or may not be an option.

Paternity Test Results Are Made Public

Paternity tests are bound by national law to remain confidential and the results will only be available to the parties involved. At times, the court may order a man to submit to such a test; however, the results will not be made public unless he wishes them to be.

Paternity Home Tests Are Just As Accurate As Those Performed By A Medical Staff

Although take-home paternity tests tend to be less expensive, they are in no way as accurate as those performed in a lab. Contamination or improper handling of the tools used to determine results may affect the outcome. A test administered by a medical professional is the best option for those looking to secure the most accurate results. Also, take-home tests are not recognized by the court; licensed medical personnel must perform the testing for such evidence to be admissible.

Contact Us

Make the process of determining paternity easier by contacting a divorce attorney from Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP San Marcos Family Law at (760) 757-6854.